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The presidents of the Republic of Korea



Today, we are going to learn about the presidents of the Republic of Korea.


The first ~ 3th president, Syngman Rhee. (1948 ~ 1960)

1~3 president, Syngman Rhee

The 4th president, Yoon Bosun. (1960 ~ 1962)


The 5th~9th president, Park Jeonghee. (1963 ~ 1979)


The 10th president, Choi Gyuha. (1979 ~ 1980)



The 11th ~ 12th president, Chun Doohwan. (1980 ~ 1988)


The 13th president, Roh Taewoo. (1988 ~ 1993)


The 14th President Kim Youngsam. (1993 ~ 1998)


The 15th President Kim Dae Jung. (1998 ~ 2003)



16th President Roh Moo Hyun. ( 2003 ~ 2008)


17th President Lee Myung Bak. (2008 ~ 2013)


18th President Park Geun Hye. (2013 ~ 2017)


19th President Moon Jae In. (2017 ~ 2022)




